Mother’s earth beauty, love energy and wisdom

Mother's earth beauty and wisdom

Mother’s earth beauty and wisdom

“Listen to all the teachers in the woods. Watch the trees, the animals and all the living things. You’ll learn more from them than books.”

Joe Coyhis
Quote on shamanism
Mother earth’s beauty and wisdom

Hi everyone,

Coming from a “book” culture, i must say i have been grateful and i am still grateful for many books i have read along the way. Some of them have awaken some questions or have pointed good directions for answering these questions, that’s a fact. Now this said, books feed mind and mind can be a trap whenever it starts ruling or pretend to.

Many answers to our deep questions are inside us and can be read and found looking at mother earth gifts. We have to learn again to read the signs, and we can do that when our heart is open and our mind is silent. In shamanism we go deep into mother earth’s belly and we found unsuspected treasures and infinite beauties there. We love her as we know she’s alive and conscient, such as trees, plants, animals, cristals and stones are.

We use her beautiful love energy to connect and to root in its depths, we respect her resources and we don’t overused them, as we are conscious that it takes time for her to grow or to create them. We consider ourselves as her children, we treat her as our mother and we thank her each day for her love, her gifts and beauty. So yes, i love books and yes, meanwhile, i agree “big time” on this sentence too. On top of it, i love spiritual paradoxes don’t you ?  They usually solve very well from a heart place too as there is no room for dualism or contradictions there.

Have a bright day under the moon or the sun and remember to dance your truth.




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